Guide to YouTube Content ID & Copyright Notices

What is Content ID?

Content ID is a popular digital fingerprinting system that content creators can use to easily identify and manage their copyrighted content on YouTube. Videos uploaded to YouTube are compared against audio and video files registered with Content ID by content owners, looking for any matches.

When a video is matched to Content ID registered content, a copyright notice will appear on the video, and the content owner may choose to take certain actions, such as:

  • Clearing the claim and taking no further action
  • Tracking the video’s viewership statistics
  • Monetizing the video by running ads against it
  • Muting the audio that matches their music
  • Or even blocking a whole video from being viewed


What does this mean for me and my YouTube projects?

When a video is uploaded to YouTube that contains licensed, digitally fingerprinted music, a “matched third party content” copyright notice will appear alongside the uploaded video in the YouTube Video Manager (this typically appears shortly after uploading).

A copyright notice does not mean that copyrights have been infringed, and this shouldn’t be confused with a YouTube “copyright strike”. It’s simply a notice to advise that YouTube has detected Content ID registered content within the video, and that further information/action is needed.

Again, if you’ve licensed the music from AudioJungle, you will be easily able to clear this notice and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.


Why are there ads running on my videos?

When unauthorized/unlicensed use of music is found in a YouTube video, it may have monetized ads placed over it by the YouTube Content ID system. Once you’ve used your AudioJungle license certificate to clear any copyright notices on your video, these ads will go away and you will be able to monetize the video yourself if you wish.

For more tips on quickly and easily clearing these notices, such as how you can upload an unlisted video to clear them in advance, see the “How to clear a YouTube copyright notice” section below.


How to clear a YouTube copyright notice

To clear a claim via YouTube, you simply need to let YouTube know that you have licensed the music and have the rights to use it. Simply choose to “dispute” the claim by clicking the “matched third party content” copyright notice next to the video in your Video Manager, or on your dedicated copyright notices page. After you click “file a dispute”, select the option “I have a license or written permission from the proper rights holder to use this material”. And just show Youtube your order receipt.